Filter and search products

Searching and filtering products is essential when dealing with a large inventory of multiple hundreds or thousands of products. You can filter and search products using multiple criteria, such as the type (product or service), the group (family) to which the product belongs, the status (active or inactive), date, and more.

Devinstock simplifies the process of searching for products by providing various and combined filtering options such as type, name, type, family, date, and more.

To filter or search in your products, please proceed to the Stock module and open the products list. Subsequently, select the filter option and designate the criteria you desire to filter by. As a result, you will get the list of the products with the details information such as: reference, designation, quantity in stock, the group, unit of measure, etc.

Filter the list of your products
  1. Filter by type

You can easily select the relevant option when filtering by type, such as 'product,', and Devinstock will filter list of all products for you. you can also filter by type 'service'.

Generally, we refer to a product as a physical item that can be stocked, while a service is an abstract item you serve that is generally not trackable in inventory.

Filter the list of your products, type = service
  1. Filter by Products Group

If your products are structured as groups or families, you have the ability to filter and search within a specific group. Simply select the group as your filter and enter the name of the group, for instance, "iPhones".

  1. Filter by dates

You can also filter products by date. Click on the date option and choose from the available options to filter the customers based on when they were created: 1 day ago, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, 1 week ago, 2 weeks ago, 1 month ago, 3 months ago, etc. Alternatively, you can select a specific date range to further refine your search.

To select a date range, make sure to activate the toggle button and select the date range.

select filter by date range

Click on confirm to get, your products list filtered by the creation date.

Product filtered by date range

  1. Customization of Table View for Products List

You have the option to customize the list view of products index by selecting the columns you wish to display. To proceed, simply click on 'Columns' and toggle the desired options to appear in the account table. Additionally, you can arrange the columns by sorting them via drag and drop functionality.

That concludes this setup tutorial. For more tutorials and guidance, please explore our Help Center . You'll find a variety of tutorials and articles that can help you maximize your usage of Devinstock.

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