Convert a purchase receipt to an invoice

Documents such as purchase orders (PO), purchase receipts (PR), and purchase invoices (PI), can seamlessly transition from one form to another within Devinstock system.

To convert a Purchase Receipt into a Purchase Invoice, you can change the purchase receipt status as "Approved" . Once confirmed, the PR can be easily converted into an invoice, capturing the transition from purchase order reception to starting purchase order payment. +

Convert a purchase receipt to a Purchase Invoice

Upon business operations, the purchase receipt can also be "canceled". Once converted to an invoice, the status will change to "invoiced", this status is automatically attached after conversion.

Purchase Receipt status

After the purchase receipt (PR) has been approved, proceed to convert it to a "Purchase Invoice". Please await the generation of the new child Purchase Invoice (PI) document, ensuring that the PR and PO parents status is updated to "invoiced" and a new associated PI document is generated.

Purchase Invoice created from Purchase Order and Purchase Receipt

Also, take note that after the approval of the Purchase Receipt, a new option for Stock Impact will be displayed. Once the PR items are approved and received, you can proceed with adding them to your inventory warehouses.

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